Monday, 4 June 2012

A positive drop

Here I present you a complaint-free description of the present weather conditions in the Netherlands. It is actually perfectly fruitful (except for harvesting vitamin D or growing a tan on your skin). First we had a lot of sun and some warmth, and at every zenith of drought, it started to rain. Our crops are growing tremendously. And especially, this weather makes it easy to sow right into open land. In only a few days, the seeds and beans become little plants. 
Our garden is now covered with hints of purple, yellow, and héáps of green. The ground is warm, the air smells humid. The strawberries are filling themselves with rain to become fattened with juiciness. The last parts of rhubarb emerge rapidly out of the earth. The turnips swell, the peas lengthen and the lettuce and cabbages grow faster than the snails can eat. 
You have our vote, Dutch weather.

(pictures are coming soon; unfortunately our camera is one of those that doesn't like rain)

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