4th month minus 2 degrees equals 1,5 month delay. Spring is late this year.
The allotment gardens are quiet, plants are developing slowly, only a few spring flowers are peaking above the ground; even the weeds bowed out. We are not really sure what to do with our sowing plan, since everything is one and a half month behind. At the moment we're acting like it is the beginning of March.
February had a few warm days which made our hands itch for some earth and greens. So we soaked our first vegetable seeds in some water for a day to enhance the germination process. The peas we have can be planted in mid-February, and also green beans are known for their early growth and resistance against some frost.
However, warm weather and itchy green fingers in February can be very tricky, since temperatures below zero are still highly possible in this month, which can kill fresh young plants easily. And indeed, the beautiful days were followed by very cold weeks that persisted until now. Gladly we kept our peas and beans safely inside to strengthen.
In the past weeks the peas had grown so high, they had to go outside. And finally, at the beginning of April came the first reasonable days again. Time to plant!
Next to this we sowed red scallion, cavalo nero, spinach, lettuce, radishes, which are normally ones that can be sowed already in March. We are curious what this natural delay will cause for this growing year.